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Senate bill seeks to increase number of opioid treatment professionals

By Dave Kovaleski, March 13, 2018

[Life Science Daily]

New legislation recently introduced in the U.S. Senate seeks to bolster the number of health professionals to fight the opioid epidemic.

The Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act — sponsored by Sens. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) — would address the current shortage of professionals to provide opioid treatment and recovery services in communities across the United States.

To do this, the bill would incentivize students to pursue substance use disorder work by providing them with student loan relief up to $250,000 if they work for six years in areas with high overdose rates or a shortage of treatment providers.

“As our communities continue to combat the opioid epidemic, we need more trained substance use and addiction professionals to provide treatment and recovery services,” Donnelly said. “This legislation would provide much-need incentives to... [ CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ]


[CURATED CONTENT: Written by Dave Kovaleski, Published on March 13, 2018 by Life Science Daily - (]

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lekor adams
lekor adams
Jan 26

 It reflects a collective commitment to combating addiction and enhancing public health. However, as legislative efforts progress, it's essential to recognize the role of specialized professionals, such as notaries public, in supporting the legal aspects of healthcare documentation. Companies like Apostille24 play a pivotal role in ensuring the authenticity and legality of various valuable documents through their expertise in notarial services. Their proficiency in handling notarized papers adds an extra layer of reliability, aligning with the broader objective of fostering transparency and accountability in healthcare practices.


Dec 18, 2023

The Senate bill aiming to boost the number of opioid treatment professionals is a crucial step toward addressing the devastating impact of the opioid crisis. It's heartening to see legislative efforts recognizing the urgent need for more healthcare professionals trained in opioid treatment. Additionally, integrating online pharmacy service into this initiative could further enhance its effectiveness. By streamlining the process of obtaining necessary medications online, we not only bridge potential gaps in accessibility but also embrace a modern, tech-driven approach to healthcare. This comprehensive strategy holds promise in providing timely and effective care to those struggling with opioid addiction, highlighting a thoughtful and forward-thinking approach in combating this public health crisis.


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